Archive for January, 2009

Congratulations To The Arizona Cardinals

The poor team that used to be the St.Louis Cardinals is going to their first Super Bowl! They are led by former St.Louis Rams QB Kurt Warner. I still have a box of cereal that was created after the Ram’s 1999 Super Bowl victory. I had to share it. Click HERE, or on the image to super-size it.


Goodbye Mr. Bush


Cannibal Calls A Radio Station

Don’t know if this is real, but it is certainly different.

Listen to the 92 second mp3 HERE.

How To Field Dress A Unicorn

unicornNow that it is hunting season, time to learn the proper way to field dress a unicorn.

“Once you’ve filled your unicorn with plenty of hot lead it’s time to get down to some proper field dressing to ensure you’ll be eatin’ that unicorn all year long in your stews, roasts, hell, even minced into small pieces for garnishing your Corn Flakes! Unicorns, despite their awful attitudes, actually taste pretty dang good – provided you follow these simple guidelines for gutting your unicorn the RIGHT way!”

Read the rest HERE.

Top 10 Widely Believed Myths

Napoleon was not short. Humans do not use just 10% of their brains – and 8 other widely believed myths. An excellect read – check it out HERE.

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Perhaps they need to hire someone to fix their site.


RIAA Keeps Promise – For 8 Days

This may well be a record for members of the recording industry. The RIAA promised to stop suing individuals for file sharing on De.26, 2008 and in an incredible show of  moral tenacity, kept their word for 8 entire days. The 192 hour drought was broken with UMG Recordings v. Briggs filed in Massachusetts. Just when people have lost faith in everyone, something like this comes along to restore their faith.  No word yet from Guinness.

Read more at TechDirt.

George The Airedale

georgeThis is too unreal to believe. These pet owners have a site dedicated to their dog and his funeral. There is a page of photos from the MEMORIAL SERVICE and burial. Also, the eulogy is available as a PDF download. Just too much!


Philly Cheese Steak – Made With Chicken ?

I just saw this at the grocery store. I tried it and it tastes good. But, why did they make it with chicken and call it Philly Steak & Cheese?


Porn Industry Seeks Federal Bailout

CNN reports –

“WASHINGTON (CNN) — Another major American industry is asking for assistance as the global financial crisis continues: Hustler publisher Larry Flynt and Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis said Wednesday they will request that Congress allocate $5 billion for a bailout of the adult entertainment industry.”

A few years ago I would immediately assume that this is a gag. (ha-ha)  Now, it is sad, but true.

Read more.

Logic Test

I like this quick little logic test – I got all 15 questions correct.

Take the Arm-chair Logic Test.

Impossible Motorcycle Jump

Robbie Maddison achieves the impossible, jumping his motorcycle to the top of the Arc de Triomphe at the Paris Las Vegas on New Years Eve. The truly unbelievable part is when he rides the bike back down.


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