Archive for August, 2014

The Last Person Who Speaks Wukchumni [video]

25 Words For Other Words

Neonwords-sThis article, from Mental_floss, concerns 25 are rarely used words that describe unusual parts of the English language. I must admit that nearly every item on this list were unknown to me. Even after reading the explanation, I’m not sure what a troponym is (WordPress’s spell check doesn’t recognize it either). Word nerds will love the article.

Read the article HERE.




Pool Party For Dogs [video]

100 Year Old Photos Colorized

sanna-sSanna Dullaway does some of the best colorization of old photographs that I have seen. Her colors are both natural-looking and vivid. Just incredible!

See examples of her work HERE.

Sanna’s website HERE.


Professional Courtesy [comic]

original source

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Any Monkey Can Take A Selfie

monkey-selfieGizmodo reported –

Time and time again, British nature photographer David Slater has asked the editors of Wikipedia to stop using his photos without permission. Unfortunately for Slater, at least in the eyes of the Wikimedia Foundation, they’re not quite his photos—because the monkey pressed the shutter. Slater (or depending on where your loyalties lie, the selfie-loving primate) took the photo all the way back in Indonesia in 2011. After Slater finished setting up his camera in hopes of capturing a crested black macaque, a particularly curious member of the species sidled up and proceeded to take hundreds of selfies.

Continue reading HERE.

Abstract World Of Colored Lights At A Carnival [video]

Feeling Fat? It Could Be Much Worse

blue-whale-sYes, things could be much worse. If you were a baby blue whale, you could gain up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) per hour. Not per day – per HOUR.

A nursing blue whale mother produces over 50 gallons (200 liters) of milk a day. The milk contains 35 to 50% milk fat and allows the calf to gain weight at a rate of up to 10 pounds an hour or over 250 pounds (113 kg) a day!

Read more about it HERE.


Stinky Candle Company

lid_skunkYes, there really is a Stinky Candle Company. On their web site they offer some normal scents (Chocolate Chip Cookie, Baby Powder), some unusual scents (Leather Jacket, Buttered Popcorn), and many truly strange candle scents that the company is named for (Fish, Onion, Fart, Gasoline), and they’re just $10 each.

Check out the stinky candles HERE.



Fire Hydrants Are Color Coded?

purple-FireHydrant-sAccording to Today I Found Out –

One of the first challenges that firefighters face when they arrive at a fire is finding a suitable water source that provides enough water for the type of fire they are fighting. Common sense tells us a car on fire will require much less water than a burning apartment building. There are formulas used by firefighters that will tell them approximately how much water is needed to fight a given fire (see bonus facts below).  Fire hydrants are commonly color coded to indicate how much water a particular hydrant will provide.  This allows for quick decision making when they are deciding which hydrant to access.

Continue reading HERE.


mmmm . . . 4 Pound Meatball!

mmmSO Jenn’s recipe is for a giant meatball, made from 3 pounds of ground beef, stuffed with 1 pound of spaghetti. Sounds great – must try soon. Get the complete story about this challenging meal HERE.


2000 Year Old Amphitheater Is Still In Use

supersize pic

Verona-arena-smWikipedia page begins –

The Verona Arena (Arena di Verona) is a Roman amphitheatre in Piazza Bra in Verona, Italy built in 30 AD. It is still in use today and is internationally famous for the large-scale opera performances given there. It is one of the best preserved ancient structures of its kind.

Continue reading HERE.



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