Archive for December, 2008

Acronym Generator

Type in any acronym (or any word) and hit the ‘Solution-Uncovering Button’ to get the tech jargon to fit the acronym. Fun for Geeks. Go to The Acronym Generator.



Space Ship for Sale

“This space ship is in excellent condition! Only 300 million Intergalactic miles, 4 passenger, no meteor dents…”

See the full CraigsList post HERE.


Millions of Monkeys

This very short story explains the Wall Street bailout in beautiful simplicity.

“Once upon a time a man appeared in a village and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each. The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He next announced that he would now buy monkeys at $20 each. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so scarce it was an effort to even find a monkey, let alone catch it! The man now announce d that he would buy monkeys at $50 each! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would buy on his behalf. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: ‘Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has already collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each.’ The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys for 700 billion dollars.

They never saw the man or his assistant again, only lots and lots of monkeys!

Now you have a better understanding of how the WALL STREET BAILOUT PLAN WILL WORK !!!!”

Here is the original post.

‘Santa’ Opens Fire, Kills 3

“A distraught man dressed as Santa Claus opened fire at a Christmas Eve party and then apparently set the house ablaze, killing at least three people, police officials said. Several hours later, the shooter killed himself.”
“Bruce Jeffrey Pardo, 45, knocked on the front door of a home on the 1100 block of Knollcrest Drive in Covina around 11:30 Wednesday night, said Covina Police Lt. Pat Buchanan. Thought to be someone hired to entertain children at the party, Pardo was let in the house and immediately opened fire with a handgun, Buchanan said.”

Read MORE.

Merry Christmas


Christmas Caganer

The Spaniards have a very unusual Christmas tradition. They place a caganer in their nativity scenes. A caganer is a statue of a person pooping. Take a guess who is the most popular pooper this year. Of course, it is “The One” – is there nothing he can’t do ? Read more about it HERE and HERE.


Rams Must Be Near The Bottom

How much worse can the St.Louis Rams get? How about a running back getting tackled by a referee’s forearm? You must see the video to believe it.

See the video on YouTube.


Just a Few Bizarre X-rays

Check out these strange and painful x-rays.


Politically Incorrect Name

The St. Louis Blues hockey team has a player named Roman Polak. It seems that his last name is pronounced exactly like the slang term for people of Polish descent. That’s a winner!


The Year In Pictures

The Year In Pictures by The Boston Globe’s Big Picture. Excellent as always.


11 Words That Sound Offensive But Aren’t

#1: Shittah #7: Cooter

Read the article HERE.


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