Posts Tagged 'genealogy'

Is Rush Limbaugh a Muslim?

Is Rush Limbaugh a Muslim? This must be a top concern of all real Americans now that it has been discovered that Rush is a cousin of President Obama. Mr. Limbaugh must be so outraged that his long buried secret has now been brought to light. Also, has anyone seen Rush’s birth certificate? reports –

WASHINGTON — Rush Limbaugh calls President Barack Obama “imam,” even though he knows the president isn’t a Muslim. Sarah Palin has openly doubted the president’s “cojones.” Turns out these two conservative firebrands have been dissin’ their own cousin. The online genealogy service now reports that Obama and Palin are 10th cousins, and Obama and Limbaugh are 10th cousins once removed. In both cases, the ties date to the 1600s.

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Man Searches For Real Father – Finds He’s Charlie Manson

The Sun reports –

Like many adopted children, Matthew Roberts set about finding his biological parents with a mix of nerves and excitement. In particular, he hoped that discovering his father’s identity would help him to work out what made him the man he had become. But nothing could have prepared him for being told his dad was… serial killer CHARLES MANSON.

Matthew grew up in Rockford, Illinois, and didn’t know he was adopted until his sister told him when he was ten. He loved his adoptive parents but always knew he was different. He says: “My parents were great people, but very conservative. “They were products of the Fifties and I didn’t relate to them. My biological parents were products of the Sixties and I take on a lot more of those characteristics.”

Read more HERE or HERE.



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