Posts Tagged 'woo'

Activated Charcoal Should Be Avoided

According to Popular Science –

On her Goop website, Gwyneth Paltrow claimed that charcoal lemonade was one of the “best juice cleansers”. That was in 2014. Today, charcoal products—from croissants to capsules—are everywhere. Even high street coffee chains have taken to selling charcoal “shots”. Some vendors of these products claim that activated charcoal can boost your energy, brighten your skin and reduce wind and bloating. The main claim, though, is that these products can detoxify your body.

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Beobrew – Music-Infused Beer – What?

If you like homeopathy, you’ll love Beobrew. It is a beer produced by electronics manufacturer, Bang & Olufsen.

An article by AVS Forum gives the details –

Wait, what? A music-infused beer? What the heck does that mean? Mikkeller lowered a B&O Play A1 portable speaker—sealed in plastic—into the fermentation tank and played music from an iPod for two weeks. The playlist was curated by Le Gammeltoft from Heartbeats to “tailor the music to the taste.”

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