Posts Tagged 'evil'

Vatican Says Beatles No Longer Evil – Priorities, Priorities, Priorities

CNN reports –

London, England (CNN)  — The Vatican may have forgiven the Beatles over the weekend for their “satanic” messages — but Ringo Starr, the legendary band’s drummer, says he couldn’t care less. In a tribute published to mark the 40th anniversary of the breakup of the band, who singer John Lennon once claimed were “more popular than Jesus,” the Vatican newspaper “L’Osservatore Romano” said it had forgiven them and called them a “precious jewel.” But Starr told CNN: “Didn’t the Vatican say we were satanic or possibly satanic — and they’ve still forgiven us? I think the Vatican, they’ve got more to talk about than the Beatles.”

Continue reading HERE.

The Top 100 Things I’d Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord

No, I didn’t write this list, but it seems quite reasonable to me.

Read the list HERE.


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