Posts Tagged 'PowerPoint'

FreeFile Review – Microsoft Office For Free?

FFR-WP-logoOneDriveYes, you can get Microsoft Office free, but with two caveats: 1.the applications are online, so an internet connection is needed and performance can be a little sluggish, 2. the apps are stripped down versions. The free Office suite is part of OneDrive, Microsoft’s online storage, formerly called SkyDrive. Sign up for a free account on OneDrive to get 7GB of free online storage as well as access to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. OneDrive is available for Windows, Mac, and most smart phones.

Word is the best of the online apps, having all the features most users will need. Once on your OneDrive webpage, simply click the “Create” button, at the top, to create a new document. Old documents can be uploaded to OneDrive and edited. Documents can be downloaded by choosing File> Save As> and then opting for .docx or .pdf.

Excel seems more limited than Word. Power users will be frustrated due to missing features, but occasional users should find it sufficient. Spredsheets can be downloaded only as .xlsx files.

PowerPoint, much like Excel, will satisfy less advanced users, while disappointing power users. Presentations can be downloaded only as .xlsx files.

– – – – The Bottom Line – – – –

For occasional, less demanding users, OneDrive is fantastic – 7GB of online storage and Microsoft Office – all for free.

Sign up for OneDrive HERE

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FreeFile Review – LibreOffice

What is LibreOffice? For years, the number one free alternative to Microsoft Office was OpenOffice.  About a year ago, the OpenOffice developers left that project and used OpenOffice source code to launch LibreOffice. If you’ve used OpenOffice in the past, LibreOffice will be quite familiar. The entire LibreOffice suite is completely free and it is a fairly large download (about 200MB). It consists of a word processor, a spreadsheet program, a database, a PowerPoint replacement, a drawing application and a math program. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. This review is primarily about the word processor and spreadsheet applications, since these are all that most people will ever use.

Installation is relatively pain free, however, Java may, or may not need to be installed. Once installed, a single icon provides access to all of the programs in the suite through a simple ‘start center’. User Interfaces are similar for all the programs. They are attractive, but quite busy, due to the incredible amount of features and options offered. It is very much like Microsoft Office before the ribbon interface.

Writer, the word processor, is a very capable, full-featured program. It can open and save Microsoft .DOC documents. The default save option is for the LibreOffice format. Most will want to change the default to .DOC through Tools > Options. Also, it can save as a PDF. I haven’t noticed any compatibility issues with documents created in Word. Writer is all the word processor that most people will need.

Calc is the spreadsheet application of the suite. It looks very much like Excel and it can open and save to various Microsoft formats. I did notice some minor formatting inconsistencies with documents that were created in Excel – not a major problem – just irritating. I think everyone, except hardcore Excel users, will be pleased with Calc.

– – The Bottom Line – –

LibreOffice is a very capable alternative to the pricey Microsoft Office. Most people will have no need for Microsoft Office after trying LibreOffice. The only negative that I could find is that the abundance of features and options can confuse some users (just as Microsoft Office will). If you need an office suite, download LibreOffice today.

Download LibreOffice HERE

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